Sexy mature guys Felix Kamp and Legrand Wolf suck and fuck young dude Clayton Foster’s hot ass

Boy for Sale says: Boy for Sale hot older studs Felix Kamp and Legrand Wolf’s huge dicks fucking young dude Clayton Foster.

Boy Clayton undressed his Master anxiously. He did all that he could to demonstrate his obedience. Master Legrand leaned back as the Boy took his Master’s huge cock into his mouth; Boy Clayton looked up with pleading eyes. Master Legrand smiled as he pushed his sub-boy further down the shaft of his member, filling that throat with the taste of wealthy precum and juicy cock.

Boy Clayton straddled his Master, slowly sliding one of the biggest cocks in the Buyers Club into his lightly-stretched hole. The Slaveboy’s moans immediately followed as he began to pump himself on his Master’s cock. Legrand appeared almost proud of his submissive boy for taking his huge cock so well—though perhaps “pride” is not the correct word for a man pleased that his purchase is working as expected.

Nature took over. Master Legrand pumped reflexively, pumping the boy harder and harder with each second. The Boy Clayton’s hole was split in ways it had never been before, his moans of pain and pleasure reached new heights he was unaware of. Their faces twisted, overcome with sensation, as Master Legrand approached his final thrusts into the boy. His seed spilled, spreading throughout his boy’s body, filling each crevice of his hole. Money well spent.

With his softening cock so big that it still filled the inside of his boy’s hole, Master Legrand propped Boy Clayton up. The afterglow of his breeding washed over the boy’s glazed expression, he barely whimpered when Master pulled out. Master Legrand rose to leave the room, but not before throwing the boy a towel. After all, he should clean up before their next session.

See all Legrand Wolf gay hardcore fuck sessions at Scout Boys here.

See all Clayton Foster gay hardcore fuck sessions at Scout Boys here.

See all Felix Kamp gay hardcore fuck sessions at Scout Boys here.

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